If you create any sort of content for your business (which you do, right?! wink, wink) there might be times when you think:
“I don’t want to give away alllllll of my secrets / knowledge!”
“What if people don’t buy from me because they can get it for FREEEE?”
Let’s talk about this my friend!
#1: How can people know how good you are if you don’t show them through your content?! Don’t be your industry’s best kept secret!
#2: People will share and talk about your content if it’s valuable – which will grow your audience and reach (for free!)
#3: While part of the reason to share valuable content is to showcase your credibility and expertise, another big part of this is to show your PERSONALITY. Let your audience get to know you, like you (or dislike you!) and build trust in you.
#4: ALL of this will build demand and sales!
But I am giving you a few caveats for your free content, particularly if you tend to be an over-giver OR if you’re not converting customers from your content yet. Read on below!
Caveat 1: Make sure you ask and invite your audience to take the next step after your free content
Caveat 2: The content should be specific to your ideal customer! Keep it related to what you offer, with the natural next step being working with you / buying from you
Caveat 3: Creating content shouldn’t be taking you away from your sales activities. If content is your comfort zone – it’s time to get comfortable with selling!
Caveat 4: Make sure you have a boundary between free and paid. For instance, your content is free, but your time isn’t.
Now get SHARING what you know, showing your audience how BRILLIANT you are, and see how your profile, audience and demand grows too.
I have simplified my offer and service, finding a niche for myself and a clear message, which means I’m now booked up 6 weeks in advance!
My flagship membership, The Modern Marketing Collective, has helped almost 1,000 entrepreneurs to become known as the go-to in their niche, attract more of their ideal clients and enjoy the flexibility, fulfilment and financial reward that they deserve.