Content Marketing is Queen. It’s the way to serve your audience through original, strategic and regular content, position yourself as an expert, and allow your audience to connect with you. Then, when it comes time for your audience to need what you have to offer, you are the obvious choice. Because Content Marketing:
Puts us in control (not others writing about us).
Gives us direct interaction with our community
Doesn’t cost us money (we can boost content through ads)
Give our audience value so they love us!
Creates loyalty to us over other brands
Establishes ourselves as thought-leader
We stay front of mind.
In fact, as the Content Marketing Institute reports, content marketing has 6x the power of traditional marketing for converting people into leads and leads into customers.
But what happens when you just can’t think of what content to create and share?
When you’re looking at the blinking cursor as the minutes tick by and you’re no closer to that epic blog post you sat down to write?
There are endless places to find fresh content ideas for your business. To give you a head start I sat down and wrote down my top 15. So without further ado…
Here are 15 places to find fresh content ideas for when you just can’t think of ANYTHING to share!⠀
1. Which previous posts received the most engagement? Create related ones!⠀
2. What have been the most visited blog posts on your website? Create related content!⠀
3. What questions have you been asked in DMs? ⠀
4. What questions have you received in emails about your work / business?⠀
5. What questions are others in your industry receiving on their social media posts?⠀
6. What comments are others in your industry receiving on their blog posts?⠀
7. Look over the history of blog posts from others in your industry – what ideas does this give you?⠀
8. When you type your key search terms into Google – what related searches come up?⠀
9. What national days are coming up that you can leverage for content?⠀
10. Search for podcasts in your industry – what topics are they covering?⠀
11. Buy a magazine in your industry – what are readers writing in about?⠀
12. In the magazine, what articles and columns are there?⠀
13. Search in a Facebook Group filled with your ideal audience for key words related to your business – what are people asking?⠀
14. Ask your audience on social media what they would love you to post about!⠀
15. Send a survey to your email list asking what they would love you to post about!⠀
I have simplified my offer and service, finding a niche for myself and a clear message, which means I’m now booked up 6 weeks in advance!
My flagship membership, The Modern Marketing Collective, has helped almost 1,000 entrepreneurs to become known as the go-to in their niche, attract more of their ideal clients and enjoy the flexibility, fulfilment and financial reward that they deserve.