Knowing our body to better our business with Jema Lee
Let’s start with some honesty here.
How many things do you do at the EXPENSE of your health?
What do you prioritise AHEAD of your health?
How often do you find yourself saying, “I just need to get this done”… “this project finished”… “this quote out”… and THEN I’ll focus on my health, on getting fit, or eating well?
What if instead, we understood more about how our bodies work? And what if our bodies could actually HELP us be better, achieve more and thrive more in our day to day and in our business?
I have simplified my offer and service, finding a niche for myself and a clear message, which means I’m now booked up 6 weeks in advance!
My flagship membership, The Modern Marketing Collective, has helped almost 1,000 entrepreneurs to become known as the go-to in their niche, attract more of their ideal clients and enjoy the flexibility, fulfilment and financial reward that they deserve.