Today I’m coming at you with 10 WAYS you can get MORE engagement on your content!!
Because the more engagement you get?
The higher in the newsfeed your post will be pushed by Instagram, and the more people will see it, leading to – you guessed it – even more engagement!!
So how can you get MORE engagement on the next post you share? Allow me to let you in on 10 great ways!
Always add hashtags – posts with at least one hashtag can receive 12.6% or MORE engagement that posts with out!
Add a location – this can give you 79% higher engagement than posts without a tagged location!
Switch to a business account – and then look at the analytics behind every post you share, so you know how people are finding you so you can do the things that work MORE!
Don’t write a “dead end” caption like “Happy Friday” – boring! Not only does it not give any insight to your business but it also doesn’t encourage your audience to be part of the conversation.
Be active on Instagram yourself!! You will not get engagement if you “post and then ghost”. You must engage (meaningfully comment, chat and build relationships) to receive engagement.
Use all of Instagram’s features – Stories, carousels, poll stickers – Instagram takes into account your usage across the whole app.
Add a call to action – are you actually encouraging engagement in your caption? Ie “tell me if you agree”, or “tag a friend” or “which is your favourite”.
Share your latest post to your Instagram Story – and drive your followers to it! [Click the little paper plane icon on your post to do this]. “Add post to story”. Tell them why they need to view.
Respond to all comments and Instagram messages – and do this as quickly as possible – this shows Instagram you are active.
Post when your audience are most active – this will give you that all-important early engagement. Check what times suit your business in your analytics (in Instagram Business Account or your scheduling app). Not using Instagram like that anymore. Plann.
BONUS TIP: I’m yet to meet someone who gets results from Instagram when they don’t enjoy using it! Put some time into understanding the platform, if you need help doing this, find someone who can show you the way, and discover the fun in it. Because that is when your whole Instagram game will shift and you will build real relationships with people who will support your brand.
Leave a review and tell me your Instagram handle and your biggest takeaway from this episode and I’ll give you a shout out for your business in a future episode!
This episode is brought to you by my Instagram Freebies, which you’ll find at
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